GC: The Iron Fey series has had a tremendous reception among both readers, bloggers, and all those in between. What has surprised you most?
JK: The tremendous amount of support by the YA bloggers has been staggering. You guys are such an awesome, passionate group and I'm honored and flattered and humbled to be a part of that. :) Thank you.
GC: Have any of the stories been particularly hard to write, or on the opposite end of the spectrum, extremely easy to tell?
JK: There have been parts in all the books that were difficult, and some parts where I just flew through. Every story had snags, as well as spots that were easy to write. So I guess the answer to that question is: yes to both?
GC: When did you first have the idea for Meghan's story? Did you only have the idea for book one, or was the series basically at the tip of your fingers?
JK: I was in a bookstore when I first came up with the idea of a faery girl living in the human world. At first, Meghan was all fey, but then I decided to make her half-fey and unaware of her heritage, and the story sort of evolved from there.
GC: Is there anything you do to pump yourself up for a day of butt-powered writing?
JK: Yes, I drink way too much diet soda. First thing in the morning, lol! And spend way too much time checking email, twitter, facebook, ect., until I remember I only have X months to finish my current project. Then the panic of deadlines set in, and away I go. ^__^
GC: Do you ever crave any particular food while writing?
JK: This is really bad of me, but I usually don't eat when writing. Especially if I'm really in The Zone, I tend to tune everything else out. (Or if I'm being distracted by twitter.) I have to make myself stop and get lunch, though one thing I have to have while writing is soda. I have an army of empty soda cans surrounding my desk, but they're to keep the gremlins away.
GC: What are you most likely to get distracted by while trying to write?
JK: See above. The Internet has become the bane of my writing these days; I have the tendency to check email, tweetdeck, blogs, ect. whenever I get stuck. Sometimes its so bad I have to unplug the modem if I want to get anything done.
GC: What is the quickest way to get back to the Nevernever after such a distraction?
JK: Re-reading the previous page, and maybe listening to music to get back into the mood.
JK: Well, Summer's Crossing, an e-novella told from Puck's point of view, is available for free download at Amazon and eharlequin. Its also available as an audiobook at Audible.com, and you should really check it out, if only to "hear" Puck's voice. Honestly, the guy they got to read Puck is perfect. ^__^
And, of course, The Iron Knight--the fourth book told from Ash's point of view--hits shelves sometime this October.
Thanks so much!
GC: Thank you, Julie, I would tell you my true name in gratitude, if I didn't already owe it to Grimalkin.
Great interview :) I love these books, and yes, Puck on the audio version of Summer's Crossing is PERFECT! :D
Awesome interview! :D I'm so freaking excited for The Iron Knight, and I loved Summer's Crossing, what a fantastic novella. :)
Thanks for sharing this interview! :D
AWESOME INTERVIEW chick!!! The Iron Fey series is totally one of my FAVS!!!
The Bookish Brunette
Awesome interview. I have Iron Knight in my ereader...I loved the teaser of Summer's Crossing...Puck and Ash together are fun:D
MIchelle A
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