Author: Stefne Miller
Publisher: Tate Publishing Enterprises
Pages: 348
Read Time: 4 days
Tag Words: Christian Fiction, Contemporary fiction, love story, death, survival, fear, literary nods, coming of age
My Summary:
Attie was saved from a car accident that should have killed her, just as it killed her mother and best friend.
Her life has been saved, but can she Salvage what is left?
My Review:
I barely ever read Christian fiction, in fact I can count on my one hand the number of Christian-Fiction books I have read. My favorite is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. That book should be required for all, Christian, or not; it is an incredible love story.
My library is not lacking in Christian-Fiction because I’m not a Christian, I am, but it’s because I just don’t get the Christian’s in those books. I call them “Prairie Books” and say that the characters have a very “Pretty Christianity.”
You may not get what I’m talking about, but you might be able to guess. What I’m trying to say here is that in my experience, being a follower of Christ isn’t as morally ambiguous, self-centered, or easy as many modern Christian Characters seem to believe.
That is my frustration, and my grunt about Christian-Fiction, now onto the Salvaged Review.
I think Salvaged accurately reflects two young, modern Christians who truly want to learn about Christ and love Him. That attitude is 100% genuine. I believed it. Of course, they are young, just beginning their true journey's with Christ, but I would have loved to spend time with them.
I have compassion for Attie, and Riley, and the gang, but I also want to shove them away from the comfortable place they are resting in; tell them to keep moving forward, and stop seeking how much they can gain by walking with Christ, but look instead for what they can give up. I am sure they will be further tested and tried in Rise, the sequel, but I hope we can throw out some of the "rules" in favor of a changed heart.
I recommend this book, get past the first couple of chapters and you won't want to put it down; the book is a tad "Prairie," but as a Dallas girl I grinned, more than scowled, at the character’s mid-westernisms. I wanted to hang out with all of these sweet people and I laughed with them on nearly every page!
Notes on the Names:
The girl MC is named Atticus after Atticus Finch, I still don’t quite get why.
She is also called Attie, Attaline and Charlie... *grin*. : )
Thoughts on the Cover:
I like the color of this girls nail polish, a lot.
Parental Book Review *spoilers*
Sexual Content:
Sex is a big part of this story, the struggle, the hormones, you get the picture. No actual sex takes place in the book.
Kissing, the tone isn’t heated, but neither be it pecking.
At one point Attie wears a bikini and Riley lets himself get carried away, when he accidentally grazes her breast Attie puts a kibosh on the moment.
Riley’s dad swears using the name of “Jesus Christ” in vain.
It was arguably my least favorite part of the whole book, it seemed to say, “See, even Christian’s mess up, but as long as they are sorry...” It bothers me, a lot, more than any other words used to curse, I would never use the Holy Christ’s name as a swear word. Yeah, I do curse, usually behind the wheel, and I never feel great about it, but I would feel horrid if I used Christ's name in vain.
Attie is saved from a car accident by an angel, her mother and best friend are killed. The scene is mildly graphic, but not violent.
Attie runs through the forrest after a fight with Riley and she cuts up her feet and face pretty badly.
Tammy slaps Riley... for good reason.
Other Notables:

Very cool giveaway! Thanks
Rachel Leigh
Thanks for the great review. I too don't usually read christian fiction, but this one sounds interesting!
Thanks for the review. I don't really read Christian- Fiction but I guess I should give it a try.
I've read the Goodreads summary of the book and got interested in it, so it was great to read your review about it. I think I will read it next month :D
I know what you mean about "prarie" books (don't forget the large amount of Amish books...ugh!) There are a few good fiction titles aimed at Christian readers these days, and this sounds like one of them. Plus, I really do like the cover. Francine Rivers--how can you NOT love her? Plus, she creates flawed characters, which is what I appreciate. Who wants to read about someone perfect? Boring and unrealistic (I mean, unless it's Jesus...but that's a whole different story.)
Great review/post, Gabrielle! As alawys!
Amy // amyismyfriend at aol dot com
Would love to win a bracelet like yours.
Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this fantabulous giveaway!
It sounds like a decent read. I feel there are some parts that would bother me too. Great review.
I really want to read this book now.
Most Christian books I read really make it seem either too easy or too morally ambiguous, so I'm glad to see that you believe Salvaged reflects modern young Christians :)
The books look really good, and I really like the cover! Thanks for the review!
It's good to find a book that any teen can read without the fear of to much sex, violence, etc. Refreshing.
I love Christian giveaways! Thanks so much <3
Looks like it's worth putting on the to-read list, thank you!
This book sounds awesome, I definitely need to pick it up :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for the giveaway!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review the book! I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
I hope that you enjoy the sequel!
Good luck to everyone who is entering the give-away!
Great review, I might have to pick this one up.
Thank you for the interesting review. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for the great giveaway!
BellaMarie @ tampabay . rr . com
Sounds like a great book.
Thanks for the review and giveaway.
mary_reiss @
awesome review now i want to read this book
I absolutley LOVED this review! I love how you categorize everything, it makes it very interesting :)) I now am dying to read this novel.
Great review!!
I like the idea that this book takes a "real" look at Christianity!
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