I don't know, there's just something magical about that day for me. It's summer, the air thick with the smoke of BBQ, and the static of fireworks. Everyone also remembers there patriotism on the fourth, I think that's important.
So to celebrate I am giving away special Swag from Stefne Miller's Salvaged, and her newly-released sequel Rise. The author created a leather cuff bracelet that reads 'Salvaged' and signed double-sided bookmarks for one lucky follower!
I am also giving away a brand-new, hardcover copy of Lisa Schroeder's The Day Before to another follower.
Thanks to Simon and Shuster for this giveaway copy!
Thanks to Simon and Shuster for this giveaway copy!
Rules of Entry:
Please see my Policy page for official rules of entry.
To enter you must be a follower of my blog. Leave your GFC name, as well as your e-mail address in the comments below.
Extra Entries:

Thanks for the giveaway
GFC follower - vidisha
Hey, great choice.
GFC follower StuckInBooks
Friends (I hope) on goodreads
gfc: Bookish Brunette
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a follower- Khadija
Thank you so much!
I'm a follower- Chey
+1 I also subscribed to your youtube channel- ohaiitschey
+1 I follow your reviews on Goodreads- Cheyenne Teska
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC name:Erinberry
+3 I entered your blogoversary giveaway
erinberry12 at charter dot net
I also love the 4th! I can't wait for the smoke bombs! Thanks!
GFC follower-thegirlonfire27
Goodreads follower as Stephanie
thegirlonfire27 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC: Blissfulrains
Crossing fingers :)
GFC follower
Goodreads follower
deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC follower: A.J.
GFC: Ash
Youtube: AshAshBaabii
Goodreads: Ashley McKinsey
I also entered your Blog'O'Versary giveaway as Ash.
I follow as LindsayWrites
americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway!! I'm a GFC and Goodreads follower: Christi Aldellizzi
follower on GFC Amanda Romano
and follower on Good Reads same name :)
Must. Win. This. Book. Now.
Thank you for this awesome giveaway!
GFC follower Tiffany Drew
Goodreads follower (Tiffany with the red tree icon)
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail dot com
What an awesome contest!!!! Just signed up to follow in GFC [Mary DeBorde M.A.D.]
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Almost forgot, also entered your
Blog O'Versary giveaway, too!
GFC follower as Anom.
Goodreads friend as loves to dive
lvs2dv (at) gmail (dot) com
GFC follower as anom
Goodreads friend as loves to dive
lvs2dv at gmail dot com
Thanks! I'm a follower GFC and on goodreads
GFC follower - Sherry S.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
What a great giveaway!Following on Google Friend Connect.
Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
old follower! wilsondev(at)gmail(dot)com
cool giveaway!
I follow with GFC and on Goodreads- Megan Kyser
AmethystDaydreams at zoho dot com
Nice giveaway, I love the swag,
GFC follower AlouyMartinez
wordsmaykillyou (at) gmail . com
I'm GFC follower Bookish in a Box
whatinabox at gmail dot com
+1 Goodreads
GFC Follower: Sakira
email: elfdrop at gmail dot com
Subscribe to youtube channel: elfdrop
Goodreads follower: Kris Summers
Entered Blog'O'Versary giveaway: commented as Sakira
Thanks for the giveaway! I follow on GFC as xxsquigglesxx.
+1 youtube subscriber
+1 following your goodreads reviews.
Thanks for the giveaway, the book and swag look amazing!
GFC Amanda M.
Friended on Goodreads: Amanda
Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance
GFC follow as veltara
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel +1
Follow my reviews on Goodreads + 1
as aurora momcilovich
Enter my Blog'O'Versary giveaway Found HERE +3
Done! I have tweet as much as 100 or more times already!
Enjoy the 4th!!!!! *Fireworks*
I am a GFC follower Aydrea.
+1 YouTube subscriber
+1 Goodreads friend
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the Giveaway!
GFC Follower; Sarah E. Cruz
Lisa Schroeder is one of my favorite authors!
bookbutterfly9 at gmail dot com
GFC: Kim Book Butterfly
Thanks for the chance to win
GFC michele Luker
jmluker at winco dot net
My GFC name is Brooke.
+1 follow on Goodreads (baSam)
Thanks so much!
I love 4th of July too!! <33
GFC name: Samantha Cheng
+1 Goodreads follower
+1 I'm a follower!
+3 I joined your blogoversary giveaway!
GFC - rickimc
+1 Goodreads follower
I follow through GFC = Alison
I follow on goodreads as well
I follow your youtube, JustALookingLisa, and Goodreads under lisa(:
Goodreads Follower: TValeros
GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
Thanks for hosting this giveaway and for participating in the Freedom Giveaway Hop!!
Happy Holidays!! =)
SpadesHigh @ http://SpadesHighReads.com
TValeros18 AT gmail DOT com
Entered in you Blog'o'versary Giveaway #1
GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
Thanks for hosting this giveaway and for participating in the Freedom Giveaway Hop!!
Happy Holidays!! =)
SpadesHigh @ http://SpadesHighReads.com
TValeros18 AT gmail DOT com
Entered in you Blog'o'versary Giveaway #2
GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
Thanks for hosting this giveaway and for participating in the Freedom Giveaway Hop!!
Happy Holidays!! =)
SpadesHigh @ http://SpadesHighReads.com
TValeros18 AT gmail DOT com
Entered in you Blog'o'versary Giveaway #3
GFC Follower: SpadesHighReads
Thanks for hosting this giveaway and for participating in the Freedom Giveaway Hop!!
Happy Holidays!! =)
SpadesHigh @ http://SpadesHighReads.com
TValeros18 AT gmail DOT com
Thanks for the giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway! GFC follower- Katie
GFC follower: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the giveaway! :D
Follow your reviews on goodreads: June M*****g
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Entered Blog'O'Versary giveaway! 1
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Entered Blog'O'Versary giveaway! 2
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
Entered Blog'O'Versary giveaway! 3
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
GFC follower,
I think I entered your but can't be sure. Either way - have a great 4th!
Jen k jovus
kjovus at gmail dot com
Hey Gabrielle! How ya doing, girl? :)
Thanks for this great giveaway!
GFC = ArtsyBookishGal
Subscribe to YouTube Channel = artsyrockergirl
GR = Amy (ArtsyBookishGal)
I entered the Blog'O'Versary giveaway!
Amy // amyismyfriend at aol dot com
GFC follower as Gaby
Friends on goodreads as Gaby Paniagua
GFC follower as Gaby
Friends on goodreads as Gaby Paniagua
GFC Krystal Larson edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom thank you so much!
I follow you on Good Reads as Krystal Carson and entered your giveaway as Krystal Larson. Thank you so much!
Hi and thanks for this giveaway!
New GFC follower Nikki Osborne
Follow you on Goodreads +1
caspian2680 AT gmail Dot com
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm a GFC follower (April X)
I entered your blogoversary giveaway
I follow you on GR
Thanks for the giveaway, I heard this book was good.
My Gfc Name is Kandee Kane
email- kennedycrazidraw(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thank you for the giveaway!
GFC - Lydia Maendel
+1 Youtube - Tacoluverr14
+1 Goodreads request sent - Lydia
I'm almost positive I entered the Blog'a'versary a while ago...but oh well.
gingerrodent AT aol DOT com
GFC: Manda
Thankss! I <3 Lisa Schroeder.
I also follow on Goodreads. :)
Gfc: Manda
i follow via gfc
GFC follower - Mary Ellen Thompson
Thank you for the chance to win!
Please include me!
GFC follower
subscribe to youtube channel
follow you on GR
entered your blogoversary giveaway
Thank you!
mmafsmith at gmail dot com
I follow as either oreo_93 or WulfLuva.
+3 I entered BOV giveaway (it might have been under Rachelle instead of WulfLuva)
oreo_93 at hotmail dot com
GFC follower - LB
petrelliyc-blog at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
GFC: iLuvReadingTooMuch
Following Goodreads Reviews: Rabiah
iliveforreading AT hotmail DOT com
Thanks for the giveaway!
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
+1 GoodReads Follower
-Thanks for the giveaway! :) GFC Follower.
+1 - Friend on Goodreads - Sierra S.
Old GFC follower
fallendream03 AT gmail DOT com
+1 Youtube subscriber
+1 Follow on Goodreads via Jayjay Atanacio
+3 Entered the Blog'O'versary giveaway!
Thanks for this amazing giveaway! I would love to win and follow on GFC as Suz.
susanw28 (AT) mindspring (DOT) com
I follow on GFC ~ Karen
kpuleski at gmail dot com
I sent a Goodreads Friend request
kpuleski at gmail dot com
Subscribed to your YouTube Channel
kpuleski at gmail dot com
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
crazypplrok at gmail dot com
Great giveaway!
GFC follower- Krysta Banco
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC follower - Marie Kacerosky
BellaMarie @ tampabay. rr . com
Subscribe to my Youtube Channel - Bella1584
BellaMarie @ tampabay . rr . com
Friends and follow your reviews on Goodreads - Bellamarie
BellaMarie @ tampabay . rr . com
Entered your Blog'O'Versary giveaway
BellaMarie @ tampabay . rr . com
Following GFC ~ Mary
mary_reiss @ hotmail.com
Thanks for the givewaway.
Subscribed to YouTube ~ Disney5274 or Mary one of those.
mary_reiss @ hotmail.com
Following on GoodReads.
mary_reiss @ hotmail.com
Entered your Bogoversary ~ +3
mary_reiss @ hotmail.com
Thanks! Book sounds great & loving the swags.
GFC: Joanna Ward
Email: joanna9273[at]gmail[dot]com
+1 YouTube Scriber: 1alazydaisy
+1 Following Reviews on GR: Joanna
+3 Already Entered Other Giveaway
Definitely enter me - I'm dying to read this one!
GFC: Hannah
GFC follower. Thank you!
Thank you so much for the giveaway :) I love Lisa Schroder's work!
GFC: Carina L. Tai
im agfc follower as SiNn
mortalsinn@yahoo.com ty for the give away
Subscribe to ur Youtube Channel as
Follow my reviews on Goodreads + 1
Beverly Gordon
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC - Memrie
Goodreads - Memrie
Awesome giveaway!
GFC follower: cyc
jadedlittlegirlx [at] gmail [dot] com
+3 I entered your Blog’O’Versary giveaway
jadedlittlegirlx [at] gmail [dot] com
I follow on GFC as TommyGirl
tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com
Subscribe to our Youtube Channel as tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com +1
Follow my reviews on Goodreads as Mare S/TommyGirl + 1
tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com
Entered Blog'O'Versary giveaway +3
tommygirl828 (at) gmail (dot) com
GFC follower- ashley
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