I suck, but whatever, here we go:
Yeah, that's John Green. Kellie over at Walden Pond Press went and listened to him. I vlogged about it for Totally Booksessed, speaking of which:
Okay, a couple months late, but whatever, he's the inevitable report:
ALA mid-winter was a wonderful experience.
I got to see my friends:
Anyone notice Andye's creeper hand? Yeah, she missed me.
And make new ones:
P.J. and Jessica and I recognized each other, chatting just outside the exhibit hall about everything! I begged a photo and they were ever so obliging. Thanks, girls!
And Sophie Jordan spoke and ate with me after I eyeball stalked her, but my phone ate that photo. Raincheck, Sophie?
I got books:
And reading them has been fantastic!
Of the books I snagged at ALA I've read and adored:
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson from HarperTeen
I didn't even know this book was going to be at ALA, so when I saw it I spazzed on the publicist. She started giving them out a few minutes later!
Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield from Dutton Juvenile
Kelsey and I spoke with the president of Dial books for about an hour and I pretty much wanted to scream the whole. entire. time, but didn't, because I am a professional... totally let out a high-pitch squeal as we walked away, though.
What's a Kelsey, you ask?
Why, that gorgeous thing on the left!
No, not me, the other right.
Change your vantage point, immediately!
A Want So Wicked by Suzanne Young from Balzer & Bray
I read the first line out loud to my friends when we were all sitting around.
"You're such a wordie," said Andye with a grin.
"I take that as a high compliment," I retorted, and settled back to begin a second Charlotte adventure in a brand new skin.
The Disenchantments by Nina LaCour from Dutton Childrens
The publicist who got this for me told me all about meeting Kristin Cashore in the bathroom. There's some poetic irony in there somewhere. Basically? We laughed.
Speaking of disenchanted youth, recognize these two?
Yes, I know, that time I was the creeper, but that's my 'I'm putting on mascara and really concentrating' face, and it applies to brand new camera phones, as well.
Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama from Farrar, Straus & Giroux
I don't even remember picking this one up, but I've wanted it for ages! When I saw it in my bag back at the hotel I near did a cartwheel. By the way? This book is totally cartwheel worthy.
Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo from Henry Holt & Co.
The publicist in the Macmillan booth was so personable. I remember just really wanting to take her for coffee. I know, this is a boring memory, but I just felt like telling you about that. Everyone was nice, but she just seemed to be working so hard and so graciously! I thought it was noteworthy.
Enchanted by Alethea Kontis from Harcourt Children's
While in-booth at HMH I realized the sheer number of brilliant titles coming from this publisher in 2012. I mean, seriously guys, I know they are established, but at the same time I feel they are the company to watch.
All in all I adored ALA midwinter, those who worked the booths, and the fact that it was held in my city, Dallas! It was nice to "go home," after moving away a few years ago.
This was me in Dallas, and though you can't really tell, I was freaking wearing spaghetti straps in January!
Happy Reading!
Gabrielle Carolina

Love this!! Except for the creeper part! Some people call that FRIENDLY!! :P
Anyway....can you believe I haven't read a single one of the books you listed?? I must change this. I actually didn't even grab Tiger Lilly because I didn't think I'd like it. *sigh*
Such a fun post! Makes me want to go back to Dallas to do it all over again!
Great recap!!
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