Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Updates and Apples


I just feel you haven't been updated in some time, so I'm going to bring you all up to speed.

I have many books currently up for sale/trade and they need to go because I am moving! Please follow the link.

I am editing my pages, as you can see I have removed my challenges. I am keeping track of a few still, but I got way in over my head and have basically bowed out of all but the 2011 Debut Author Challenge, The YA Historical Fiction Challenge, and a few others. 

I am also in the process of creating archives for my reviews, interviews, author guest blogs, and name posts for easy viewing. Keep checking back in and leave any suggestions for me in the comments!

And last, but not least, my previous video made many of you cry, today I aim to make you laugh. Enjoy! (Also, this was my first time editing a vlog, so be kind!)

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