Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ripple (ARC)

Author: Mandy Hubbard
Publisher: Razor Bill
Pages: 272
Read Time: One Day
Tag Words: Sirens, mermaids, nix, true love, paranormal romance, love triangle, death
My Summary:
On the night of her sixteenth birthday Lexi killed for the first time. She killed Steven, her best friend’s brother and her first love. 
Two years later Cole, Steven’s best friend is at her lake, the place she swims and sings her deadly song privately.
Lexi isn’t sure what she is, or why she needs to swim, but she is sure of one thing...
If Cole doesn’t leave soon, she’ll kill again.
My Review:
I love books about mermaid’s and siren’s! I really, really love books about our literary underwater allies. They are so fun!
Ripple is fun, but it also sticks to the beating-the-dead-horse paranormal-romance cliche plot structure we have all come to abhor.
I wanted more from the plot structure, but I couldn’t have asked for a better heroine! I loved Lexi and imagine that she will not be easily forgotten.
In the end bits and pieces felt a tad contrived and I am saddened that some things ended so bitterly, and other things I am really happy to have read! Either way I completely loved the journey, Ripple kept me in my seat, flipping the page, nodding along to Lexi’s internal monologues and wanting more Cole! 

I would read this one whether by the pool, or on the couch, just don't go near any lakes...
Notes on the Names: 
My least favorite part of it all. I don’t think I could have come up with a bigger cliche cast. Haven’t we all heard the names of this clique before? Oh, yes, in our own high schools.
Lexi, Cole, Steven, Kristi, Sienna, Nikki, Patrick, Erik, Danny & Brian. 
Thoughts on the Cover:
Lexi looks so weird. That being said, the details are impeccably done! The lake, the tree, the dress! Oh, my gosh, the dress described is this dress! And Cole is perfect, even down to his ‘over-dressed’ sense of fashion. 
Parental Book Review *spoilers*
Sexual Content: 
A sex scene without carnal details. Kissing with passion, because, hello, it’s a paranormal romance.
A- 1
D- 4
B- 3
H- 8
F- 1
Drownings, suffocation, lake-front battle scene, bullying, death, etc. None of which I would call particularly ‘violent’ but it is there. 
Other Notables: 
Underage drinking at parties.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love your review! *made me want to read this book(hve it on my TBR already)

it’s so nice that you briefly evaluate each important content of the book (like language, violence, sexual content,etc). very straightforward, i like it!