Friday, October 1, 2010


Well, I am currently writing my own book series, so I think I’ll stay far, far away from that idea. Hmm… what to “write,” what to “write?”

I know!

As far as I (and google) know, there is no planned sequel to Sea by Heidi Kling.


Daughter by Heidi Kling (AKA me, for right now) a sequel to Sea

Set eight years after Sea, Sienna returns to Indonesia, her boyfriend, Spider in tow. Sea has never been the same since her first visit to the devastated shores and now as she sees how the country has rebuilt itself, from the inside out, she feels that her own renovations are only beginning.

After finally learning the truth of her mothers fatal crash, Sea wakes screaming in terror, from new dreams, every night. Her only comfort rests the arms of the man Sea finds her refuge in, but even she feels pained in the knowledge that Spider’s are not always the arms she wants around her. In the dreams, Sienna’s mother bails out of the plane and calls out for help, then the Tsunami sucks her in and she is lost to Sea forever.

Determined to go back, Sienna leaves college and books a ticket that will take her across the world, across time and into the waking-memories of a life that once held her own future.

Sea finds that Deni, unhappy simply moving forward in life, has returned to the orphanage, with his young wife at his side, and is now the head of the compound. He is making sure every child has a meal, and a dry cot in the rainy season.

Deni seems to have forgotten their time together completely, happily expecting his first child and living a life of meaning and redemption. Sienna, heart-broken once again, resists Spider’s pleas for marriage and a life of adventure, wishing simply to remain in the country that keeps her in turmoil forever.

When a baby girl is rescued from becoming a human sacrifice, Sea takes the infant under her wing and becomes a mother for the first time. The more time she spends with her daughter, the more time she aches for her own mother, the woman who never returned and never really left her to being with.

When the waves calm, and a city rebuilds itself, what is left for those who will never forget? Where do you go when the horizon meets the Sea?

I really hope you like it, and Mrs. Kling, if you read this, I hope it inspires you, my review for Sea will be out later this month.

Please note the picture used is a Messenger Photography origonal, and is not the cover of any book.
This post was written as a response to a contest:

1 comment:

Shanyn said...

Thanks for participating in my mini challenge! Very fun synopsis, I love how all of the characters were worked in :)