Originally posted on 3/13:
The hashtags for the tour are #ADSOM and #VintheLondons
Victoria has posted the entire tour schedule here!
V.E. Schwab on feminism & writing:
G.C.: Do you consider yourself a feminist writer, or any of your books particularly pro-feminist works?
V.E.S: I consider myself a feminist and a writer, and yes, I am a feminist writer. I like to think that permeates what I write, in some ways obvious, and others subtle.
While I can understand the argument some authors pose for writing ostensibly “weak” female characters, that is not something I aspire to do. I write women who are smart and strong, often to a fault. I try to write powerful women, women with agency, and no, that doesn’t mean I wrote women who are perfect or whole.
In fact, I’m fascinated by the IDEA of strength, and the ways in which “strong” people of all genders can be cracked and broken and weak in other ways. I particularly enjoy writing “masculine” female characters, and “feminine” male characters, and everything between. I do not believe people are binary, a set of yes’s or no’s, and I don’t want to represent characters that way, either.
Here in RED LONDON we've got a few more exciting features:
Darker-Shade.com - a special website for A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC that is full of information and materials for readers.
A video featuring V. E. Schwab exploring London and discussing the book.
A fun Buzzfeed Quiz you and your readers can take that will sort you into a magical London.
V. E. Schwab
A Tor Hardcover
978-0-7653-7645-9 / 0-7653-7645-8
$25.99 | 400p.
Ebook: 978-1-4668-5137-5 / 1-4668-5137-6 | $12.99
On Sale February 24, 2015
Print - IndieBound, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Powell’s, Walmart.
About the Author:
V. E. SCHWAB's first adult novel, Vicious, debuted to critical praise and reader accolades. Schwab is the author of YA novels The Near Witch, The Archived, and The Unbound, and the Everyday Angel series for middle grade readers.
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