It occurred to me at some point that it must be odd to come into the MPB family two years into it's Genesis.
I consider MPB an ever-evolving, always metamorphosing project with a definitive start point many weren't present to see. I hope it never, ever ends.
Speaking of which, I'm a writer and hope MPB will one day be my Author blog as well! I suppose most book bloggers do dabble and dive into novel writing, and I'm pretty serious about it. I'm querying a couple novels right now.
I have other hobbies, but they read more like... affinities.
For instance:
I have an affinity for words like affinity, names, the Victorian language of flowers, Irish mythology, really any major legend, or lore, puppies, foxes, polar bears, art and title covers, ice cream, crustless cheesecake, new clothes, days I spend in my pajamas, days I spend in dresses, novels that break the heart and mend the soul just by using words, photography and singing. Also, I love making people laugh. The part of me that wants to finish my psych degree has asked that I inform my readers this, "says something about me."
I cannot decide on a major, or a school. I go back and forth between going to a smartie-pants U to finish up my Psychology and/or English degree and then I have days where I want to go to an arts school so I can spend two years with my camera in-hand learning more about modern design. And then I want to cop-out and just go get my lit degree and call it a day. I'm a conflicted woman. The only decision that I have made in this regard is that I hate the school I'm at, and being a vocal performance major was killing my love of music, so my opera major became an opera minor a while ago.
I lost my grandmother last March to a very sudden, very unexpected brain aneurysm. Actually there is no other kind of aneurysm. Giggie, as I call her, was vibrant and passionate on this Earth, a constantly buzzing bee ready to sample the next flower. She was a touch OCD, which clashed with my love of organized chaos. She loved me, my, oh my, how that woman loved me. And I love her. She was a cornerstone in my life, still is, even if that cornerstone feels cracked, everything she used to build me up is keeping me standing.
I'm beginning this year a touch lost, and I'm aching to be found.
My current favorite novel is Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta, which I've re-read so many times I've lost count. I often quote this novel to understand myself, or life, or others. It's a great book.
Some good news- after suffering four years of a long, long, long list of symptoms-- insomnia, to chronic pain, depression, anxiety, stomach problems, fatigue, and the kitchen sink, just for the heck of it-- I finally received a diagnosis, which led to a slight tidal wave of them, but knowledge is power, and I've been using my new-found wisdom to live with fibromyalgia, CFS, or Chronic-Fatigue syndrome, Celiac disease, and a funny little condition called Hyper-flexibility syndrome, that enables me to have a future in the circus, but also impedes my ability to heal properly, which is bad news for Fibro Girl.
I don't remember my natural hair color, but I remember I disliked it.
I love blogging, but most of all I love representing books in the hope of making sure their perfect readers hears about them! I love YOPPing about my new favorites, old favorites and really old favorites (I don't think there has been a day in my life that I was not either read to, or did not read to myself.) I enjoy this community immensely and I value my readers more than I can put to words.
MPB is designed in my favorite colors. Minus orange, which is all over my stuff outside MPB, usually involving a floral, or the cover of my favorite book, whichever.
MPB was born of some very dark times in my life, which I was blessed to see brought back to light, if gradually, just as all dawns arrive. I look forward to seeing my skies grow ever fairer, though I known I am strong enough in my God that I can withstand any storm that may darken them for a time. I consider that a Victory on high!
I look forward to continuing to write MPB for all of you, and writing books for me. Let us see what this year brings, be it sunny skies, or rain, or fog, The Mod Podge Bookshelf has been my beacon for some time, and if you want, it can be yours, as well now. <3>
Last year my New Year's Resolution was to live fearlessly and as fate would have it, I spent the year combating fear at every turn, determined never to cower.
Regardless, this year's Resolution is open to less interpretation:
Sell a book.
Last year my New Year's Resolution was to live fearlessly and as fate would have it, I spent the year combating fear at every turn, determined never to cower.
Regardless, this year's Resolution is open to less interpretation:
Sell a book.

1 comment:
I have some of the same medical problems that you have and I know what a bummer they can be. Stay strong! :)
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