Welcome to the first Mod Podge Musing of the new year!
Here is what I have to say:
Writing a book is like dating.
I'm not wrong about this one.
Whether you are a plotter or a pantser, try to match these dates up with the time you spend with your manuscript.
Please proceed with an open heart.
Your first date is surface level and most of what the man/woman across the table is telling you are LIES! Shiny, pretty lies may they be, they are still lies. So it is with your first draft. You can skim the surface and get a nice picture of what's ahead, but the character of a person becomes more and more evident the longer you know them.
The second date is less awkward because you're comfortable with the other person now (at least I hope you are, if you're having fits of the heebie-jeebies, FLEE! This goes for both real-life people, and those you're writing about.) There's a slight rhythm to it, even if it's very quiet. Now you're ready to act a bit more like yourself, and so is the person sitting next to you in the movie theatre. You will burrow a little deeper (like your hand into the popcorn bucket) when you ask probing questions, but don't expect the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! He or she will still keep a few secrets, usually the bigger, more game-changing ones, to themselves.
The infamous third date, when the real story comes out. Here's where you truly decide if you can see a future with your date, a future where you possibly call them "my love." If you're beginning to fall, and beginning to value this new relationship, the readiness to "fight" to keep it safe, sound and S'wonderful will emerge. Remember the infamous part? Yeah, you kiss. (Please note that this can be taken literally on the manuscript side. I have been known to become intimate bedfellows with mine.)
Fifth date, otherwise known as the "make it, or break it" date. This is about where you determine if you're exclusive, if you're still just "having fun" or if you want to get serious. Your "dates" may no longer be called "dates" from here-on-out and when you see your romantic partner in the future it is because you are entwining your lives. Are you ready to commit?
Congrats, you've made it to the sixth date, and yes, we're going to call this one a date, regardless of the fact that you now breath the same air and are attached at the hip, because you and your new boyfriend/girlfriend are off to have a brunch, and you cannot have a brunch with someone you're falling in love with and not call it a date. That is unless you're having brunch with your mom and dad, which, SURPRISE! You are. If the manuscript is 6th date material that means it's time to introduce it to your folks, otherwise known as your agent and editor.
Further more:
Do I hear wedding bells? Your book sold!
Is that wallpaper for the house you just bought? No? It's you're book cover?! Wow, it's gorgeous!
Will it be pink, or blue for you? I don't know, but will you be trying for another sequel after this one?
I take it back, the book-making process is symbolic for life.
Goodness me, but am I deep and literary. ; )
I'll leave you with this, which says it all, either way:

Love it! I know a novel is The One when I get excited jitters as I begin to type, or when there's so much I want to say that I'll stay up until the wee hours of the morning spilling my inner secrets. And sometimes I even practice what to say when it's not around :)
Haha, I smiled at the "correct the grammar" part! This is such a brilliant post :) Love it <3
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