Friday, August 24, 2012

The Best of 2012 (Third Edition)

From May to July 2012


Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley


Cath is my spirit animal. She knows this.

Her novel still inhabits my dreams and I wish to write a book like this. 

It's concise, it's magic, it's lyrical and it's wise.


Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin



Oh man, why not? This cover is no fool's gold; this here is the real deal, a beautiful cover for a wondrous novel.

Dance of the Red Death is one of my most-anticipated sequels of 2013!


Shadow & Bone by Leigh Bardugo

At first I was astonished, then I merely called it compulsively readable, but by the end of this story Bardugo had made such a believer out of me that I was uttering her character's strong words aloud. 

Through all its faults, Shadow & Bone had the X-factor, and that's something magnificently rare!


The Curiosities by Tessa Gratton, Maggie Stiefvater & Tessa Gratton


This whole project was perfect! I had never known about the Merry Sisters of Fate until the book project was announced, so it was wonderful to "catch up" with The Curiosities, complete with illustrations, hand-written comments and a look inside these writers' heads! 

I LOVED this book. It was full of inspiration.


One For the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt


This book is beautiful. One of the novels I claimed I would have loved to represent in my 'If I Were a Literary Agent' post. 

Lynda has a wonderful sense of craft, mixed in with poignant characterization and a truly heartfelt story. 

I can't wait to see what comes next from Hunt!


Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama 


This is the mermaid book I have been waiting for since I began reading YA.

With intelligence, a mastery of language and an astonishing sense of history, Fama spins a most bewitching tail.


Strands of Bronze & Gold by Jane Nickerson


This author will be a Debutante in 2013 and Jane's novel is one to pine for, wait on and add to your wishlist! 

More on this one in the coming months from MPB!


The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy by Nikki Loftin


This is the middle-grade novel for readers who think MG books are too simplistic. 

A touch dark, a soupcon of sweet and a dash of whimsy- this is the perfect book for any and all readers!


The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


You have to ask, really? 

Everything you've heard about this novel? It's true. 

So true.


Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield


I learned at ALA that Julie Strauss-Gabel (she's John Green and Nina Lacour's editor, if you didn't know)edited this novel and said it was the best debut she's ever read. I think I may agree. 

Precision point wording, a compelling story and imagery so vivid and raw you feel like you're suffocating alongside the two main character's.


I hosted the blog tour and John Green recommended this book on Twitter.

So that's the third edition. 

Notice many significant changes?

2012 has been a brilliant year in books for me, I've venture to say it has already surpassed the past two years! 

Gabrielle Carolina

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