Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Evening with the Princess

Alethea Kontis wrote this book here, a signed copy of which is shelved rather proudly on The Mod Podge Bookshelf.

Enchanted came as close to giving me the same feelings I had when I first read The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale as any book ever could.

The book has an interesting voice, wonderfully whimsy characters, and takes place in an ingeniously woven fairytale world. Even my patron weekday sister, Wednesday, full of Woe, gets a plot arc and the guy that makes me happy to be Wednesday's daughter. 

When Alethea announced she would be in my (temporary) NC area for her Big Southern Book Tour, I just had  to go! 

The evening was lovely, though I got there fashionably late, as every Princess should, and I most enjoyed listening to Alethea read from her debut in a fabulously froggy voice.

I got my book signed, grabbed some swag, and waiting while Lethe went through the B&N stock so we could all go out for dessert.

I have to tell you, this was my favorite. Just sitting around with Alethea and her people, also writers, editors, awesomesauce, whatever, and talking books made me giddy. 

We also talked about her get up, the word effervescent and agents. 

I was glad to hear Alethea announce that HMH has purchased the next two books in her Enchanted series, all about Sunday's sisters, Saturday and Friday. 

Hopefully Alethea will tour again and there will be great rejoicing in the castle as Princesses, Alethea Kontis, and Gabrielle Carolina, are reunited!  

1 comment:

Deborah Julene said...

I'm going to her signing in DC this Saturday and I'm super excited. She sounds like tons of fun, and I can't wait to meet her. I'm so glad you had a fun time at the signing!