Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Publisher: Poppy Books
Pages: 248
Read Time: 1 Sitting
Tag Words: Weddings, divorce, death, true love, love at first sight, airports, British boys, family affairs
My Summary:
Hadley Sullivan has just missed the flight that will take her across the Atlantic ocean to England, where her father is getting married a second time.
Things couldn’t be worse, Hadley believes, until she meets Oliver and fate has its way with them, and the Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight.
My Review:
I read it in a singular sitting because I was captivated from page one. If I’m truly being fair I should say it was the title that first got to me nearly a year ago. *Nearly two years ago upon review revision.* I received this book at BEA 2011 and read it in the middle of July.
A little blast from the past happening right now...
Some people believe love at first sight is as mythic as time travel, but my parents met on a blind date and were married a year to the day. I suppose I’ve been brought up believing in myths, legends and stories, I suppose I’ve also been brought up to believe you can surpass the boundaries of possible to discover the impossible.
This book is as fabulous as I hoped it would be. I loved everything about it, from the back-stories of both characters to the descriptions of the airports and the plane ride Oliver and Hadley take across the pond, to the bravery of a girl caught up in a romance that will last her lifetime. I loved the redemption and the way Smith framed her ideals and her story, without force, or coercion; the story simply breathed.
Just in time for Valentine’s Day I suggest you run out and buy The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight; it may turn even the most hardened cynic into a believer.
Notes on the Names:
Only downer. Hadley. I’ve been hearing this name a lot, all over the literary world. What do you think? Are you infatuated, or as confused as I am by it’s lively accession?
Hadley was Ernest Hemingway's wife's name.
Thoughts on the Cover:

So glad you enjoyed this book! I've yet to hear anything bad about it! And it's interesting that you pointed out the name thing. I haven't actually read any other novel with the name Hadley - that I can think of - but maybe I'm just reading the wrong books..! Awesome review(:
I have this one on my shelf but still haven't read it. I fail at reading lately. School is keeping me really busy.
I'm glad this one lived up to your expectations!! I agree with you though, I'm not in love with the name Hadley, and I don't get it's recent popularity either. (But I guess no one asked me ;) )
-Jac @ For Love and Books
Nice review. I just read this book too. Took me 5 hours and like you I was taken in immediately and didn't want to put it down.
Thanks for sharing.
Wow, this book is a short one but is seems like it would be the perfect V-day read.
As far as names I feel like the name Tessa comes up a lot
I think the name Hadley is pretty cool. I haven't had that name in any of the books I read so I'm good there lol. The title definitely got me to read this book. When I first of it I said yes please and put it into my TBR list. I ordered it from Barnes and Noble and came a few days later and I completely ate this book up. The whole story was perfect and realistic and yes I do believe in love at first sight. Definitely an amazing book to read, especially for Valentine's Day.
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