Thursday, December 8, 2011

2011 Author Wrap-Up with Kim Culbertson

What was the best book you've read all year? Tell me all about it!

KC: My seven year old daughter wrote a book called “Ana and Ani’s Life on Pluto” (Ana’s my daughter and Ani is her best friend) and in it, they build a rocket out of Pluto dust, fight mean aliens, build a town for nice aliens, and live happily ever after.  It’s the only book in 2011 I read more than twice.  J Oh, and I have about 20 YA novels that I loved but I couldn’t chose the best because I loved them all.

What was your favorite thing you wrote? 

KC: I loved writing on my Facebook page: “Come hang out with me at Book Passage where I’ll be reading from my novel INSTRUCTIONS FOR A BROKEN HEART”.  Book Passage was the bookstore I used to go to all the time in college and I used to dream about someday doing a book reading there.  When they invited me, it was a complete dream come true.  I was giddy that whole day.

What was your biggest writing struggle, and how did you overcome it?

KC: Reminding myself why I started writing in the first place:  Because I love words and stories and characters – and writing.  I love to write.  The YA world is a vast one and I definitely got caught up sifting through all the feedback – good and bad.  And while it’s just been an amazing ride - for example, people like you have made this experience so gratifying -  I had to get back to the core of why I started writing in the first place.  Not to get a bunch of five star reviews (though, those are nice of course), but because writing fuels me.  And I needed to write something from start to finish.  Which turned out to be a novella.  Speaking of which….

What can we expect from you in the new year? 

KC: I have an eBook coming out in February – a novella.  It’s called THE LIBERATION OF MAX MCTRUE.  I woke up one night and sat down and started writing this story and it just wouldn’t let go of me.  I’ve been a high school teacher for 14 years and now I work with high school home schooled students and I very much wrote this book for my students – past, present, future – who have taught me the true meaning of being educated regardless of the setting they exist in.  They inspired it.

Here’s the description of it:

Have you ever had an extraordinary day?  Max hadn’t.  Until one winter day when he met a girl.  A home schooled girl. THE LIBERATION OF MAX MCTRUE takes place in a single winter day.  The classic Boy Meets Girl story.  Well, sort of:  Boy meets home schooled girl.  Boy ditches school.  Boy finds his future.  And there's an ice cream truck.  And archery.  It's a bit like what would happen if Ferris Bueller's Day off and The Alchemist had a quirky kid, well...a kid who was a YA eBook. You get the idea.  Max took a day off and found his life.

 Who changed your life today?

Write down your 'Writing Resolution of 2012!'

KC: I’ve been working on a third novel and I’m excited to finish it in 2012!

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