These are the books I am most looking forward to in the month of April! Since this is the first time I am compiling this, I've decided to also include titles from March that I still don't have my hands on that I am lusting over.
Feel free to post your lust-list-link in the comments!
Carmen by Walter Dean Myers from EgmontUSA
Why? It's a retelling of the Opera, Carmen, and any good bibliophile/Opera Major should check it out! (Does the model remind you of Brittany Spears?)
Back When You Were Easier to Love by Emily Wing Smith from Penguin
Why? Debut author. Contemp author. The Title. The Cover. The fact that I have been posting about this one since last fall. I am in lust!
The Goddess Test by Aimée Carter from Harlequin Teen
Why? Greek mythology, a sympathetic take on Hades, god of the Underworld and Ms. Carter is a debut author! It's a must-lust.
The Twilight Saga: the official guide by Stephenie Meyer from Little, Brown Books
Why? Because I want to see inside the authors mind. This one has been teasing me for nearly two years!
Entwined by Heather Dixon from Greenwillow Books
Why? This is my number one book lust right now. I am falling head over heels and even got a chance to read a snippet thanks to HarperTeen. Now, I want to devour the whole thing! Princesses, dancing, fairytale retelling and the NAMES! Lust away, book lovers. Read my friend, Amy's review, here.
10 Miles Past Normal by Frances O'Roark Dowell from HarperTeen
Why? Another I've been posting about and posting about and posting about. I feel like the MC is personally relatable.
May by Kathryn Lasky from Scholastic Books
Why? IWantItIWantItIWantIt! Mermaids, historical fiction, Kathryn Lasky and do you SEE that cover?!
Fury of the Phoenix by Cindy Pon from HarperTeen
Why? Because I MUST know what happened/happens. That comment makes sense when you read the prequel. Cindy is also hosting this AMAZING contest and I want to enter SO bad, using Messenger Photography, but I have to read the book first and my library isn't cool enough.
Blood and Flowers by Penny Blubaugh from HarperTeen
Why? Because I need my Fey fix, the cover is haunting me and did I mention FAERIES?! The Fey are like the epitome of lust. Seriously.

Great choices! I'm looking forward to Entwined, Ten Miles Past Normal, and Back When You Were Easier To Love also :)
Just added Back When You Were Easier to Love to my TBR, for some crazy reason I hadn't seen it gefore!
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