Tumtum and Nutmeg: Adventures Beyond Nutmouse Hall
Author:Emily Bearn
Publisher: Little, Brown Books
Pages: 503
Read Time: Read this to someone else
Rating (1-5): 4
Tag Words: Children’s Book, mouse, rats, adventures, General, England, Fairies, Ballerina’s
My Summary:
Told in three parts Tumtum and Nutmeg’s adventure’s are unique, riveting and British.
They first battle the wretched Aunt Ivy, then sally forth to free General Marchmouse from School and finally make a daring escape from Rat Island and a band of ferocious rats!
My Review:
I spent so long reading this book that I felt I must review it. It is a children’s tale, but I believe even YA-Lovers might get a kick out of Tumtum and Nutmeg.
I loved the first story, and the villainous Aunt Ivy, enjoyed the second story, and the pogo-ing Ballerina Mice, and was ready for the book to be over by the time the General commandeered Arthur and Lucy’s ship for his own fun.
The very best parts included the children- Arthur and Lucy- and I was hoping that they might get to come along for an adventure, instead of being the mess the Mice must mop up.
Speaking in a British accent while reading also upped the enjoyability factor greatly. ;)
Story One 5/5
Story Two: 4/5
Story Three: 3/5
Notes on the Names: Tumtum and Nutmeg is what first caught my eye in the bookstore; I love animals with adorable names. Arthur and Lucy are quite British, though their last name, Mildew truly left something to be desired.
Thoughts on the Cover: It’s Squeak-Worthy!
Parental Book Review *spoilers*
Sexual Content:
A great band of Mice charge Aunt Ivy with little mouse-sized sabers.
Aunt Ivy tries to kill the mice with Hairspray and with Mouse Traps.
Other Notables:
The Rat Pirates get drunk of Chocolate Liqueurs and that is how the mice make their escape in book three.

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