Thursday, December 1, 2011

2011 Author Wrap-Up with Kelsey Sutton

What was the best book you've read all year? Tell me all about it!

KS: What a cruel question! Haha. Well, if I had to choose just one, I would have to say that I was completely blown away by the final book in Lili St. Crow’s Strange Angels series. Every time one of those books came out my friends pretty much knew not to call me for a couple days. I highly recommend it!

What was your favorite thing you wrote?

KS: Hmmm. I don’t exactly have a favorite line or defining moment. Not sure if this counts, but my favorite written creation is a character in the book I have out on submission. He’s the romantic interest, and I’m worried that he’s ruined all real men for me. It’s hard to imagine loving someone as much as I’ve loved him! (Does that sound as twisted as I think it does?)

What was your biggest writing struggle, and how did you overcome it?

KS: I would say my biggest writing struggle is actually FINISHING something. I’m notorious for succumbing to the shiny new idea. I overcame this by focusing on goals that were small or easily doable. Writing 1,000 words a day or finishing a chapter. When I focused on the entire manuscript as a whole, it was daunting and… boring, really. Even as a writer, I don’t like knowing what’s going to happen next.

What can we expect from you in the new year?

KS: I guess we’ll have to see! Your guess is as good as mine.

Write down your 'Writing Resolution of 2012!'

KS: Why, finish another book, of course!

Blog link:
Twitter link:!/KelseyJSutton

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Wow, that picture of me is... BIG. LOL. This was fun to do. Thanks, Gabrielle!