I was just remarking tweeting to Cindy over at Princess Bookie that it seems Contest Craze only just ended. Turns out it's been six months, oh, how time flies!
Speaking of time flying, it won't be long now until 2012, in fact I just received my first 2012 ARCs this week!
So, I figure, why not let you guys in on my most anticipated 2012 releases as of right now?
First of all, I am very fickle, my moods will change the book I want in my hands for every present moment. However, this first choice is for sure number one on my want list, and that is:
Fever by Lauren Destefano
Next we have a book I am shocked by my interest in. It's a freaking ZOMBIE book and I am dying (yeah, some pun intended) to eat it's brains read it.
This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers
And now for the book I can sense will be a soul feeder:
Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley
After I finish the Gemma Doyle series by Libba Bray I am going to need something to fill the spaces of after, here is what I've chosen:
A Temptation of Angels by Michelle Zink
This next book is a modern Arthurian take on Tristan and Isolde with... wait for it... blood thirsty MERMAIDS! OH. MY. GOSH. It's like my wildest, most twisted, literary fantasy come true.
The Vicious Deep by Zoraida Cordova

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