Abby Goodwin has always covered for her sister. Maya’s screw ups started out ordinary enough- broken curfews, failed classes, hanging out with drugged-out losers. But now Maya’s been accused of murder, and Abby’s not sure she can cover for her any more.
The truth kills...
My review:
You won’t see it coming, pick it up, read it and have your mind blown.
It’s great storytelling, it’s an interesting plot and you are sort of left to delve into the physcosis of it yourself. The pacing clips along and you really feel for both Abby and Maya, without hearing every tidbit of family gossip from birth to now, you can see how it’s been, being the sister of the other and how all that combusts, when Abby can’t protect Maya anymore.
It’s a great read for those who love mystery’s and plot twists that make you scream out and audible, “whoa!”
I know, this is a short review, usually you have to refill your coffee reading one of mine, but I want you to read it and all I can do is recommend it once more, go pick up your copy!
Notes on the names: Abby and Maya, sort of like yin and yang, they fit together, but are total opposites.
Thoughts on the Cover: I saw the cover and knew I had to read the book, though I have to say, after reading the book, besides the police tape which is the greatest touch- the “scene of the crime” looks a little comedic since that is not really what the scene of the crime looked like. I still love the cover, I think it’s intriguing and creative, but it appears like a caricature of itself now.

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